Overview and History

About Us
In 2014, the Emergency Medicine Unit began with three academic staff. By 2022, the new Department of Emergency Medicine has 19 staff including one Clinical Professor, six Clinical Practice Professoriates, three administrative staff and nine research staff. Its responsibilities fall into three aspects: teaching of Emergency Medicine to medical students, provision of clinical services in the Accident & Emergency Departments of the University’s affiliate and teaching hospitals and research in Emergency Medicine. Besides, the Unit is working closely with the Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute to develop and promote Disaster Medicine in Hong Kong.



Our vision
The Department of Emergency Medicine will improve the health outcomes of patients with superior emergency care, innovative clinical research and education of undergraduates and postgraduates in Emergency Medicine.
Our mission

The Department of Emergency Medicine is dedicated to advancing the knowledge and practice of Emergency Medicine and benefitting people through teaching, research, knowledge exchange and clinical services in emergency care.

The Department of Emergency Medicine is to:

  • Educate and train tomorrow’s leaders in Emergency Medicine by an up-to-date Emergency Medicine curriculum for medical students
  • Advance the knowledge and improve the practice of emergency care through innovative research
  • Provide excellent clinical care to patients in the University’s affiliate hospitals and teaching hospitals
  • Impact the wider community with translation of research findings and knowledge exchange activities
Our History
  • Honorary lecturers appointed under the Department of Anaesthesia to provide lectures and tutorials in Emergency Medicine during surgical rotations.

  • Honorary lecturers in Emergency Medicine started teaching in Junior and Senior Clerkships.

  • First Emergency Medicine clerkship introduced in combination with Psychiatry with teaching based in the Emergency Departments of Queen Mary Hospital and Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital.

  • Emergency Medicine clerkship combined with Orthopaedics.

  • Commissioning of the Emergency Department of Gleneagles (Hong Kong ) Hospital.

  • Faculty Board approved the establishment of the Emergency Medicine Unit (EMU).

  • EMU was inaugurated with 3 staff: Dr LP Leung, Dr Karen Fan and Dr Rex Lam.

  • Opening of the Emergency Department in Gleneagles (Hong Kong) Hospital (GHK). Dr Daniel Wong, Dr Abraham Wai, Dr Arthur Cheung and Dr Ronald Wong joined GHK and EMU.

  • Mar           Dr Patrick Leung joined EMU.

  • Oct            Professor Timothy Rainer was appointed as Head of the EMU.

  • Jan             Faculty Board and Senate approve the conversion of the Emergency Medicine Unit to a Department of Emergency Medicine.

  • Feb            Department of Emergency Medicine is formed under the new School of Clinical Medicine.

  • Jun            The Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine accredited the 24-hour Outpatient and Emergency Department of Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong as a training site for basic trainees (partial accreditation for 6 months)