Wai, Ka Chung Abraham

  • Community Care Programme on Geriatric Emergency for and by the Elderly; HKJC CF; [Principal Investigator] HK$5,330,000; 01/01/2020 – 31/12/2022;
    Aim: To create an elderly specific programme on emergency care which empowers a group of elderly to manage common medical emergencies, mitigate the risks of adverse health outcomes and educate their peers on emergency care knowledge and skills; and to create a prototype of elderly emergency care (instructor and provider) education for adoption by various elderly service provider.
  • Revive-a-life; QEF; [Principal Investigator] HK$3,984,100; 01/08/2018 – 31/12/2020;
    Aim: To create a training program on compression-only CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) for secondary school students and teachers that can serve as a prototype for future incorporation of CPR/AED education into the secondary school curriculum.