Professor Rainer, Timothy Hudson

Department Chairperson
Timothy Rainer is a Professor of Emergency Medicine. Since graduating in 1986 from the University of Wales College of Medicine, he has established an Accident and Emergency Medicine Academic Unit at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1996 – 2015) and an Emergency Medicine Academic Unit at Cardiff University (2015 – 2018). On 1st October 2020 he was appointed as Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine and Head of the Emergency Medicine Unit in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at The University of Hong Kong.
His practical, translational research includes clinical and molecular-based diagnostic and risk-stratification markers and pathways, applied haemodynamics, clinical trials and systems analysis. He continues to investigate roles for circulating nucleic acids and non-invasive haemodynamics in acute illness and injury. He has also developed two Masters of Science programmes, two Post-graduate Diploma programmes and an intercalated Bachelors of Science programme. He has supervised and trained over 150 post-graduate students including PhD/MD students.
Selected Publications -
- Rainer TH, Cheng CH, Janssens HJ, Man CY, Tam LS, Choi YF, Yau WH, Lee KH, Graham CA. Oral Prednisolone in the Treatment of Acute Gout: A Pragmatic, Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized Trial. Ann Intern Med. 2016 Feb 23. doi:10.7326/M14-2070.
- Hung KK, Chan EY, Cocks RA, Ong RM, Rainer TH, Graham CA. Predictors of diversions and deaths for in-flight medical emergencies in commercial aviation. Arch Int Medicine [now JAMA Int Med] 2010 Aug 9;170(15):1401-2. PubMed PMID: 20696972.
- Chor JS, Ngai KL, Goggins WB, Wong MC, Wong SY, Lee N, Leung TF, Rainer TH, Griffiths S, Chan PK. Willingness of Hong Kong healthcare workers to accept pre-pandemic influenza vaccination at different WHO alert levels: two questionnaire surveys. Brit Med J. 2009 Aug 25;339:b3391. doi: 10.1136/bmj.b3391.
- Rainer TH, Wong IOL, Leung GM. Severe acute respiratory syndrome [Letter – Author Reply with new data].Ann Intern Med 2005 Feb;2005:225-226.
- Leung GM, Rainer TH*, Lau FL, Wong IOL, Tong A, Wong TW, Kong JHB, Hedley AJ, Lam TH, for Hospital Authority SARS Collaborative Group (HASCOG).A clinical prediction rule to identify emergency room attendees with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) during an outbreak. Ann Intern Med 2004 Sep 7;141(5):333-42.
- Rainer TH, Chan PKS, Ip M, Lee N, Hui DS, Smit DeV, Wu A, Ahuja AT, Tam JS, Sung JY, Cameron P.The spectrum of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection.Ann Intern Med 2004 Apr; 140(8):614-619.
- Rainer TH, Wong KS, Lam W, Yuen E, Lam NYL, Metreweli C, Lo YMD.Prognostic use of circulating plasma nucleic acid concentrations in patients with acute stroke.Clin Chem 2003 Apr;49(4):562-569
- Rainer TH, Cameron P, Smit DeV, Ong KL, Ng WHA, Chan DPN, Ahuja AT, Chan LYS, Sung JJY.Evaluation of the WHO Criteria for identifying Patients with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Pneumonia Out of Hospital: Prospective Observational Study [Fast track]. Brit Med J 2003 Jun;326:1354-1358.
- Rainer TH, Lam NYL, Chan TYF, Cocks RA.Early role of neutrophil L-selectin in post-traumatic acute lung injury.Crit Care Med 2000 Aug;28(8):2766-2772
- Lo YMD, Rainer TH, Chan LYS, Hjelm NM, Cocks RA.Plasma DNA as a prognostic marker in trauma patients.Clin Chem 2000 Mar;46(3):319-323