Leung, Siu Chung Patrick

  • Alcohol brief intervention integrated with mobile chat-based support for risky drinkers in emergency departments: a pragmatic randomised controlled trial; HMRF; [Co-Investigator] HK$981,995; 15/10/2020 - ongoing;
    Aim: To assess the effectiveness of chat-based intervention on reducing risky alcohol consumption and identify the mechanism to inform clinical practice for providing ABI to risky drinkers attending AED in Hong Kong.


  • Impact of Accident & Emergency Department waiting time announcements on patient arrival pattern and quality of care; [Co-Investigator] HK$592,000; 02/07/2020 – ongoing;
    (1) Quantify the awareness of A&E waiting time announcement system among A&E department users.
    (2) Quantify the effectiveness of the A&E waiting time announcement system in spreading out patient traffic and balancing load across departments.
    (3) Propose recommendations for improvement of the current A&E waiting time announcement system.


  • Effects of community-based caring contact on post-discharge young adults with self-harm – a multi-center randomized controlled trial; RGC Early Career Scheme 2016/17 (#27612816) [Co-Investigator] HK$466,710; 01/06/2017 - ongoing;
    Aim: To investigate if smartphone app +/- voluntary tutor psychological support in addition to routine hospital treatment & rehabilitation can affect clinical outcomes among young patients admitted for self harm behaviour.