Lam, Pui Kin Rex

  • Comparison of diclofenac with tramadol, tizanidine or placebo in the treatment of acute low back pain: multicentre randomised controlled trial: Health and Medical Research Fund Project no. 06170236; [Co-investigator] HKD $1,028,824; 1/6/2020-31/5/2022;
    Aim: To determine whether NSAID in combination with tramadol, tizanidine or placebo would be the best treatment regime to improve the functional recovery, pain intensity and return to work for acute LBP patients with severe symptoms visiting the EDs in HK


  • Acute toxicity related to psychoactive substance abuse and the impact of emergency department interventions on drug-related re-attendance: Beat Drugs Fund BDF190053; [Principal Investigator] HKD$625,490; 1/8/2020-31/7/2021;
    Aim: To characterize the pattern and trend of acute toxicity related to methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabis and other stimulants presenting to EDs in Hong Kong and to evaluate the impact of the pattern of drug use, severity of acute toxicity and ED interventions on ED re-attendance for drug-related problems.


  • Cross-sectional study on disaster preparedness of Hong Kong residents using GPS spatial sampling methodology: Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute; [Principal investigator] HKD$399,715; 1/7/2015-30/6/2016;
    Aim: To evaluate the disaster preparedness of Hong Kong residents.