Selected Publications 2019

  • Chan YM, Ng YL, Koljonen P, Wong YW, Tsang TC, Leung SC, Chu K, Chan CW, Fung YF, Mak A, Ng T, Tsang CCR, Wan K. Enhanced Clinical Pathway to Directly Transfer Non-Specific Back Pain Patients from Accident and Emergency Department to Rehabilitation Centre in HKWC – poster presentation in Hospital Authority Convention 2019, Hong Kong
  • Cooper A, Davies F, Edwards M, Anderson P, Carson-Stevens A, Cooke MW, Donaldson L, Dale J, Evans BA, Hibbert PD, Hughes TC, Porter A, Rainer T, Siriwardena A, Snooks H, Edwards A. The impact of general practitioners working in or alongside emergency departments: a rapid realist review. BMJ Open. 2019 Apr 11;9(4):e024501. doi: PubMed PMID: 30975667.
  • Lam RPK, Wong RTM, Lau EHY, Wong KW, Cheung ACK, Chaang VK, el at. Injury patterns of mass casualty incidents involving high-speed passenger ferries presenting to accident and emergency departments in Hong Kong: a retrospective review. Injury. 2020;51(2):252-9. Doi: .
  • Lam RPK, Cheung ACK, Wai AKC, Wong RTM, Tse TS. The de Winter ECG pattern occurred after ST-segment elevation in a patient with chest pain. Intern Emerg Med 2019; 14(5): 807-809. doi: 
  • Leung SC, Cheung KL, Choi YP, Yip WL, Wan CK, Tsui SH. Case series of acute reversible hepatotoxicity associated with Swietenia macrophylla (Sky Fruit) seeds ingestion – poster presentation in the 18th Scientific Congress of Asia Pacific Association of Medical Toxicology 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia
  • Mao H, Wu Q, Lin P, Mo J, Jiang H, Lin S, Rainer TH, Chen X. Derivation of a Prediction Rule for Unfavorable Outcome after Ischemic Stroke in the Chinese Population. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2019 Jan;28(1):133-141. doi: . Epub 2018 Oct 16. PubMed PMID: 30337207.
  • Rainer TH, Hung KKC, Yeung JHH, Cheung SKC, Leung YK, Leung LY, Goggins WB, Ho HF, Kam CW, Cheung NK, Graham CA. Trajectory of functional outcome and health status after moderate-to-major trauma in Hong Kong: A prospective 5 year cohort study. Injury. 2019 Feb 22. pii: S0020-1383(19)30095-6. doi: . [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30827704.
  • So CW, Lui CT, Tsui KL, Chan KL, Law AKK, Wong YK, Li T, Wong CL, Leung SC. Questionnaire survey on medical futility and termination of resuscitation in cardiac arrest patients among emergency physicians in Hong Kong. Hong Kong Med J. 2019 Jun;25(3):183-191. doi: 10.12809/hkmj187755. Epub 2019 May 29. PMID: 31178438.
  • Watt FE, Corp N, Kingsbury SR, Frobell R, Englund M, Felson DT, Levesque M, Majumdar S, Wilson C, Beard DJ, Lohmander LS, Kraus VB, Roemer F, Conaghan PG, Mason DJ; Arthritis Research UK Osteoarthritis and Crystal Disease Clinical Study Group Expert Working Group. Towards prevention of post-traumatic osteoarthritis: report from an international expert working group on considerations for the design and conduct of interventional studies following acute knee injury. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2019 Jan;27(1):23-33. doi: . Epub 2018 Aug 18. PubMed PMID: 30125638; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6323612.